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Porch & Parish

From the Crew | Dog Days of Summer

May 05, 2022 08:55AM ● By Staff Writer
As printed in the Dog Days of Summer edition of Porch & Parish, published May 2022.

We write to you at the tail end of a glorious spring in South Louisiana, bracing for the mugginess that will soon descend like a sticky fog. A local high school teacher once described the humidity here “like stepping into a wet dog’s mouth.”  

The ancient Romans coined the term “di?s canicul?r?s” or dog days, to honor the star, Sirius, affectionately known as the Dog Star—the shining beacon of the Canis Major (big dog) constellation. Sirius also heralded the coming of the floodwaters to the ancient Egyptians, waters that would replenish their lands with fertile silt—sound familiar?

Every year around mid-July, we get the urge to pack up and move our family to a more temperate climate. We can’t take the heat. But before our bags are packed, the start of school rolls around and the routine starts again. 

Plotting our escape is part of our relationship with Louisiana—oh, we just can’t quit you.

Porch Pup

In the spirit of loving Louisiana in all of its humid glory, we introduce you to our new mascot: Porch Pup. Porch Pup is a loyal friend who listens in on all the laughter, gossip, tears and stories shared on the porch, not judging or self-serving.

She calls to the North Star with a howl. The North Star represents the biggest dream you can think of. Go ahead and think of it! Big dreams can be achieved right here in the parish corner.

No matter how big your dreams and where they take you, the stars always shine brighter where your friends and family await you.

Porch Pup’s loyalty, affinity for lazy afternoons spent on the porch and quiet yet attentive nature captures the mission and vision of Porch & Parish. And thanks to the generosity of our Community Partners, this resource is free to you - in print, online and in your headphones. Look for Porch Pup stickers  at your favorite local businesses. You can support us by supporting them.

Here’s to our friends & family living the big muggy dream together. We hope you and yours have a safe and fun-filled summer. 



The Porch & Parish Crew