Americana Commons Site Plan Announced
Nov 10, 2023 12:34PM ● By Councilwoman Ambre DeVirgilio, Zachary District 3

Americana is a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) in which the development adheres to smart growth principles of mixed-use housing types, non-automobile dependent community with walkability, traffic calming design principles, minimal land waste to reduce urban sprawl, wetland conservation areas, and amenities such as The Pointe (a town center community gathering space), residential playground, dog park and fishing ponds, Americana YMCA, as well as an over 3 mile walking trail loop for the public.
Traditional neighborhood developments require extensive planning and investment. Last week, the Zachary City Council moved the site plans forward for the largest new commercial development in Zachary in years. Named Americana Commons, the site plans include several commercial parcels including an approximately 40,000 square foot grocery store and a signed purchase agreement on a much-desired restaurant.
The commercial site plan was approved concurrently with Americana Commons Multifamily site plan. The entire project is approximately 28 acres. The overall density of the multi family was reduced by approximately 58% relative to the original approved allowance in the concept plan. While we are awaiting an initial traffic impact study and traffic signal warrant study, sensitivity by the developer has been shown regarding traffic management. As of today, there is a proposed plan to line up the entrance and exit to Americana Commons with the High Plains Crossing neighborhood. The plan will include a traffic signal at the entrance and exit with a projected cost of approximately $1.2M.
Americana has required considerable planning with the road infrastructure dating back to the post-Katrina Green Light Plan which allowed for the widening of Hwy 64, now Mount Pleasant. The Americana Economic Development District allowed for the funding of the roundabout on Hwy 64. To date, the developer and purchasers have invested approximately $200M in the Americana site. Now that we have enough rooftops to sustain commercial growth, it is time for us as taxpayers to see a return on investment. Zachary’s retail reach extends far beyond our city limits, and I know that Americana Commons will also be an amenity enjoyed by our neighbors. This is exciting for our entire region.
Zachary, Americana and Americana Commons have received much positive media attention recently. I have worked diligently over the last ten months to bring the Americana dream to fruition. This is only the beginning.