City Council Meeting Highlights 1/23/24
Jan 25, 2024 01:45PM ● By Lauren Pope![](
Jan 23, 2024 | City Council Meeting
Attendees: City Council
Opening Prayer
Public Policy Statement
Minutes from last meeting approved
Approved Road Projects
Request for authorization to prepare and advertise for public bids to include hardware and software in conjunction with the traffic signal synchronization and monitoring our maintenance operation of these traffic signal lights operated by the city of zachary. Approved
Video detection equipment units applied information 500-085-20 filed monitoring units FMU and rugged com RS 900 G. Field Switches. Approved
B Road project pay request number five to trac LLC in the amount of $116,126.14
Approved Motion to receive minutes of the Jan 10, 2024 meeting of the zoning commission.
Approved 1126 and 1136 Mount Pleasant Rd. 2104 Barrett Road and 1333 Mount Pleasant Rd.
Proposed Proposed petition of annexation
(Americana Crossing, across the street from Americana)
Will be 5 lots total (Charles Landry, developer of Americana spoke)
Introduction of Ordinance 2402 relating to annexation of these properties Approved
Approved Resub of 1-24 3575 SHA Lane. Proposed Route subdivision of remainder of Lot 4L into 4L-14 4L-24, 4L-34, 4L-44, 4L-45 on property. Resub in the property for a family partition of heirs.
Approved Ian Towing Recovery's proposed site plan for the towing business on a lot of UND of the George Cooper Track on property located at 4445 Spur Lane, Zachary, 70791
Currently zoned industrial
Consistent with future use
Planning and Zoning recommended approval contingent on updates to the buffer yards and landscaping requirements and the plan has added those updates.
Owner Jared Wonell spoke
Chief Lawrence called in from training in Lafayette to lend his support, saying the City uses the towing service and is happy with them.
Denied request from 4434 West Central Avenue (The Depot) to rezone neighborhood commercial to Urban Center to Own Property located at 4434 West Central Avenue, Zachary, Louisiana
Applicant looking to do a brewery, not brewed on site
David Gaines (Leasee) speaks that he is trying to bring something fun to town and use the The Depot that’s sitting kind of empty right now. Wants a “cool little hangout place” in Zachary.
No food inside anymore. Food outside, alcohol inside.
Building owned by City of Zachary who leases it out.
Mike Smith worries that it is very close to the railroad and to the fast traffic on 64.
Kristen Murphy is concerned with the pedestrian impact of rezoning.
Concern that if Roly Poly were to relocate, you’d be left with just a bar
Approved 6461 Slaughter Highway for zone lot L from Residential Suburban to Neighborhood Commercial - Looking to convert to office space
Planning staff recommends approval
Dorthy White clarifies that it won’t be an office building, it will be a storage building with an office space for work at home purposes.
Conditional Use Motion Approved Mobile Food Vendor: Lynn’s Taste of NC LLC located at 9293 Main Street
Tawanda Singleton, Executive Chef at Children’s Hospital
Placed in front of Zachary Lumber
Approved Moving Tract lines around within a development at Zachary Highway near East Central Avenue
Deferred for 60 days issuance of city council orders subpoena for enforcement action.
Illegal sign on property located at 4524 Virginia Street
Junk Property located at 4735 Avenue G
Junk Property located at 4633 Avenue C
Junk Property located at 5236 East May Street
Removed from the agenda in a substitute motion put on the deferral motion decision regarding the signage located at 4625 Main Street - The Boot CrossFit
Approved motion regarding the November 5th, 24 election day and the possibility of remote work for city hall workers.
Informed that the January 16th Charter Commision meeting was canceled because of the weather
Discussion about appointment process
Approved motion to recognize Brandy Trish who has been appointed the Chief Administrative Officer of City of Zachary
Deferred appointing planning and zoning commissioner.
Items outside Agenda
Discussion of upcoming rain and hope that the improved drainage will be successful.
Full video and transcript of the meeting found Council Meeting Videos | City Council | City Hall | City of Zachary