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Porch & Parish

Zachary Community School District Expands Virtual Learning Program

May 24, 2024 10:03AM ● By Lauren Pope
Port Hudson Academy, part of Zachary Community School District (ZCSD), has reopened and been operational for the past two years, now serving as a “school with alternatives”  for students with disciplinary issues or other needs that made it a better fit than a traditional campus. To support its educational model, the district adopted an online platform called Edgenuity. Initially, virtual programs were used exclusively for Port Hudson students, but its success led the district to expand the program to serve a broader student base across ZCSD.

The Virtual Learning Program offers students the chance to continue their education while participating in ZCSD clubs, activities, sports, and after-school programs, such as welding and agriculture. Unlike expelled or suspended students at the Port Hudson Academy, who face limitations on their participation in school events, Virtual Learning students can fully engage in the school community.

In addition to regular coursework, Virtual Learning Program students can enroll in Dual Credit courses, earning college credits while still in high school. Although the program is entirely virtual and asynchronous, three full-time teachers at Port Hudson are available for office hours to provide real-time assistance and support. This virtual approach saves time for students, who might spend 20 hours online and stay on pace, compared to 40 hours a week in a traditional school setting, eliminating transition times and lunch breaks.

The program's vision is for students to commit to a full academic year, with regular evaluations to ensure it remains a good fit. "There's an element of social-emotional learning that's harder to replicate if a child is learning in isolation," explains Supervisor of Technology & Secondary Programs, Dr. Jeff Hand. "We want to ensure we're working with both students and parents to maintain the program's effectiveness. We're also exploring in-person meetups and events to address this."

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased demand for virtual learning options. Now, says Todd McDonald, Alternative School Program Administrator,  there’s not just a need for virtual learning, but a way.  McDonald highlights that Edgenuity has been instrumental in supporting students at Port Hudson. Dr. Hand describes the Virtual Learning Academy as "an extension of the program’s delivery," expanding its reach to a broader audience.

This broader audience includes students who need "a school with alternatives" rather than an alternative school. The online academy focuses on "goodness of fit," tailoring the curriculum to each student's needs. For example, a student struggling with Algebra I might focus exclusively on that subject for an extended period. Similarly, a student training for high-level competitive sports or one who thrives in smaller class sizes and self-paced instruction could benefit from the program.

Currently, the district is working through approximately 30 applications and aims to start with 10-20 students for the upcoming semester. Additionally, the district is developing a comprehensive careers program, exploring new 360-degree learning models for social-emotional learning, enhancing its agriculture program and even planning an upcoming print shop to be housed on the seven-acre campus, where students will have internship opportunities.